gallery2 (18+) by Ket Ralus

Art by local-shop

local-shop_2010_sunshine_rainbows__houch_band_ket_brask (2011)



main image
Title local-shop_2010_sunshine_rainbows__houch_band_ket_brask
Uploader Ket-Ralus,
Tags !A @local-shop 03 2010 Brask_(all) Bravo Houch_and_his_band Ket nerond tortavi
Locked No
Parent None
Rating Explicit


Artist(s): local-shop


<strong>Art by <a href="">local-shop</a>.</strong> (Additional ink & clean-up by Ket Ralus.)

Included in the <a href="">package</a> I received early last month was this unexpected, yet awesome, drawing. It features some of local-shop's own characters. As she says:

<blockquote>Ket and Brask got backstage passes to hang out with Houch's band, and you know how rowdy those cartoon musicians can get.</blockquote>

Houch, the vocalist, is the one Ket & Brask are double-teaming. The other characters don't have names, but are described as such (from left to right in background): guitarist* (dog), manager (bunny), drummer (cat), bassist (mouse).

local-shop had started inking this, but abandoned it at some point before sending it to me. I decided to finish the job, which included inking all of Brask as well as Houch's head & arms. While cleaning up the picture, I did my best to preserve local-shop's figures and detail, though I enacted a few tweaks (e.g. Brask went from 4 toes to his appropriate 3, and the foreground "surface" was made more simplistic to look less sketchy).

local-shop, this is some hot art, and a very pleasant surprise. Many, many thanks!

<span class="footnote">*On lead electric guitar, and also the manager's girlfriend.</span>
local-shop gift art: Sunshine and Rainbows
Post Date (GMT): 2010-03-27 04:39:13
Sunshine and Rainbows
Art by local-shop
Image Post Date (GMT): 2010-03-27 03:25:15
Image GUID: 2010/03/local-shop_2010_sunshine_rainbows__houch_band_ket_brask.png
Brilliant max would like the background
I'm sure he would. I'll pass along your compliment to local-shop when I can!