gallery2 (18+) by Ket Ralus

Art by Ket Ralus

k7_20100214a_valentine_for_brask__ket_hq (2011)



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Title k7_20100214a_valentine_for_brask__ket_hq
Uploader Ket-Ralus,
Tags !A @KetRalus 02 2010 Brask_(all) Bravo HQ Ket Valentine nerond tortavi
Locked No
Parent None
Rating Explicit


Artist(s): Ket✦Ralus
<a href=""><img src="" alt="" title="Valentine 2010, for Brask" width="150" height="150" class="alignnone size-thumbnail wp-image-2422" /></a><a href=""><img src="" alt="" title="Valentine 2010, for Brask (HQ)" /></a>


There are some things I feel my watchers should be able to infer from my art and writing, but I realize there is some ambiguity to which the resolve exists only in own my mind. Perhaps nobody really cares (though I hope it's not true), but at the very least I just feel like spouting words. In any case, the next few paragraphs discuss personal topics rather than art, so skip 'em over if you'd like.

I've had a few "boyfriends" in the past, and also a couple regular friends whom I went all the way with. Despite our conflicts, I'm still friends with these people and I'd like to stay close to them. I'm no saint but I like to have a solid connection to each person I get involved with. I'm not the type of person to have "random encounters," or however I should phrase it.

The biggest reason for this is that I'm simply not sexually attracted to humans. I admit I still have my own standards about how good or bad people look, and I do enjoy their physical contact when it comes down to it, but the form of an actual human doesn't get me off. I've always been this way, which is why I instead spend so much time dealing with these cartoon and furry characters.

Another topic worth mentioning is how my dating relationships met their demise. In each case, I broke it off personally. There are multiple reasons why each one was flawed to begin with, but I think it goes deeper. I often feel that I just don't want someone with me all the time. I need freedom and I need a good deal of time to be alone. Or I could be wrong about that, and it could just be the human aspect coming back to haunt me.

It's thoughts like these that make me wonder if I'll ever truly fall in love with a person. Nevertheless, I always keep my mind open for new opportunities...

For the time being, I will focus on someone I know I do love. He's not real, and he may look like a "smiley face ball thing", and I know I haven't posted much to develop his character yet, but he's important to me. While he didn't necessarily start out that way, over the years, Brask has essentially become the canvas of my ideal mate. His body is the archetype of physical traits I find most desirable, and the simplicity of his design creates a sort of vulnerability which I find endearing. His personality is complex, and complete with faults just like a typical person, yet is amazing by my own standards. And of course, he loves me, because the fantasy wouldn't be complete without that.

Ket & Brask are my trophy couple, and naturally I fill the role of Ket, so that sets the stage for this entry. I've drawn the two together in past sketches, but this is actually the first time I've fully drawn and colored this pair. Long overdue, but perfect for the opportunity today brings. I wanted to do something interesting with the colors in this picture, and I feel I've mostly achieved what I had in mind. Red and black are my favorite colors, so there is a lot of that here. Red is also the color of "pasi&oacute;n", so that fits the Valentine theme. I always have trouble with perspective when drawing angles like this, but I gave it my best shot, because I can't improve if I don't challenge myself. Of particular difficulty was trying to show Ket's tongue entering Brask's mouth in the main image. All said, I hope all of you enjoy the day, whether you have somebody to be with, or you're flying solo like me. =}
Valentine 2010, for Brask
Post Date (GMT): 2010-02-15 02:32:12
Valentine 2010, for Brask (HQ)
Image Post Date (GMT): 2010-02-15 02:27:05
Image GUID: 2010/02/k7_20100214a_valentine_for_brask__ket_hq.png
I comment here quite often and I read every one of your journals quite thoroughly before I reply, but I hardly ever say anything deep or meaningful as I believe those types of things are personal in a way. I don't like part of myself coming out in my words as I don't like people knowing me fully, I like to be secretive about who I am.

But when reading your post, it's hit home quite heavily for me. Being furry or scaly isn't just a way of us fantasising over creatures that do not exist, it's also a way for us to remove ourselves from the corrupt world in which we live in. Being drawn to fantasy characters is usually something that happens when you're young, either finding it difficult to find people to understand you, liking isolation or basicly just wanting to get away.

I for one, see humans as corrupt, selfish, horrible people... which is why I find it very difficult to like humans sexually and which is why I was drawn to Furries. They're fantasy creatures, they don't exist... so you can fantasize them to be however you want... your idea partner, lover, friend.

I guess I'm just trying to say I understand exactly what you mean and the pain you're going through. I think it's very difficult to find people in this lifetime you can connect to... just because someone's character is sexually appealing or your ideal partner, doesn't mean the person behind that character is.

I think many of us have fantasies or characters we've fallen in love with, or see as our ideal partners. I'm really glad that Brask captures everything you want in a lover and friend. I just hope one day you meet someone IRL who also has those qualities.

Happy Valentines Day, Kinny.
Thank you for being open about your feelings on my journal, even if it's not normally something you like to do. I appreciate hearing about you. =}

I don't have quite the feelings of misanthropy that you do, though I am apathetic to a lot of people as part of my asocial behavior. I also don't like keeping secrets about myself since it makes me feel like a fake, and it's a burden to maintain a veil of lies to people. Otherwise, I agree with everything you said. You're absolutely right.

Luckily I can deal with being alone far better than many people... though part of me deep down still wants to find someone right. Thanks for the kind words, and I wish you a (late) Happy Valentines Day as well. =}
That's quite a story you have there, although I can't relate to it. I'm the exact opposite when it comes to relationships. I always need someone to talk to. We both seem to run contrary to one another across the board really... Not a bad thing in the least though.

I'm glad you can find that sort of satisfaction in being alone as well as through your characters though, I get tense just thinking about being alone or even writing about the same character twice.

As for my Valentine's Day, it was uneventful aside from researching dependency complexes.
Thanks for the comment!

A lot of people need someone to connect to on a regular basis. You're pretty normal there, hehe. I just hope you have (or can find) somebody with you to keep you occupied. =}

What do you mean exactly when you mention "writing about the same character twice"? I know you've written about King Dedede several times, just to name one example. ;}
There's need to connect to someone on a regular basis, and then there's have a sudden nervous breakdown because you can't find someone. It's been going on for the past week, and I hope it passes as soon as possible.

And I suppose you found that little Kirby corner of Live Journal I was around for years ago huh? Heh, that fandom was a great group to be around. I suppose I should focus on someone else as much as I did on Dedede and his very hot snail servant Escargon.
I don't know anything about LiveJournal, but I did find some of your Kirby-related stories on, and it's good stuff.

I hope things get better for you as far as the social aspects go. I don't know if Internet chat helps, but you can always IM me if you need someone to talk to. =}
There's a lot more left over on, it was a very productive summer for me and I got to explore a whole range of different concepts.

And thanks for the offer, I'll keep it in mind if I ever find myself teetering around crying. Thanks...
Hey Ket its me legion, glad to see your valentine is finally up. I had a feeling that it would be fate or brask love the picture, keep up the good work :)
Glad to see you finally signed up on my journal. =} I'm happy you enjoy the picture, even if I gave you too many hints about what it would be, hehehe. Thanks for the encouragement!
But i dont not know who it was, nothing was ruined for me anyway :
And by the way black and red are my favourite colours aswell
That makes us color comrades!