This was commissioned as a gift for temp_anon. He wanted extra big dicks on the characters, because he likes the "third leg" look. Obviously, this was no difficult task for mista-red, who is used to drawing big dicks anyway. ;P Anyway, we both really liked how it came out. =} Thanks, Red!
Dem Dicks, as oft is the case with Red's relishable work; tends to be a little wee bit and a tad, of *too much* for a taste my own - however, else of arousing and artful art, is, MmMmMm, exquisite~
(Also, my own pun stemmed from the fact that Ket looks a bit "breast"y (due to the shading) if the image isn't zoomed-in proper. :b)
Nice TITular (moobsy?) pun, Ket. ;9
Dem Dicks, as oft is the case with Red's relishable work; tends to be a little wee bit and a tad, of *too much* for a taste my own - however, else of arousing and artful art, is, MmMmMm, exquisite~
(Also, my own pun stemmed from the fact that Ket looks a bit "breast"y (due to the shading) if the image isn't zoomed-in proper. :b)
... A intentionally talented artist,
but (also) an unintentional, punny comedian. ... A man of many talents! :d