gallery2 (18+) by Ket Ralus

Art by local-shop

local-shop_2011_nine_lives_of_technicolor_pie_p2__ket_brask (2011)



main image
Title local-shop_2011_nine_lives_of_technicolor_pie_p2__ket_brask
Uploader Ket-Ralus,
Tags !A @local-shop 02 2011 Brask_(all) Bravo Ket Turkish_Delight nerond tortavi
Locked No
Parent None
Rating Explicit


Artist(s): local-shop


This is all the stuff I received as gifts around the time of FC. I'll break down the details just as in my last post.

<h3>A. "Ket & Shiro" by <a href="">Fuzzypaws</a></h3>
Fuzzy surprised me on my birthday (exactly one month ago) by sending me a photo of this drawing featuring Ket along with his own micro nilla coon character, Shiro Veric, clinging to a foot sole. I didn't have time to return the gesture by Fuzzy's own birthday (which was about a week later), but I still plan on making up for it. I cleaned up the photo in Photoshop earlier today, and here it is. Thanks, Fuzzy! =}

<h3>B. "Lorn on Display" by <a href="">Ryusuke573</a></h3>
While at FC, I bumped into Ryusuke573. I asked him to draw goblin porn for me. He drew his goblin character, Lorn, showing off his goods. It was nice talking with Ryusuke, and getting some art from him!

<h3>C. "The Nine Lives of Technicolor Pie project - page 2" by <a href="">local-shop</a></h3>
This is actually part of a gift for an artist named Technicolor Pie. So, why am I posting this? Because Ket & Brask make cameos on this page! Really cool of Vee to do this. Many other artists' characters appear here too. Of related importance is Vee's own Turkish Delight (featuring the newer design). To view the entire comic, visit the following links: <a href="">pg.1</a>, <a href="">pg.2</a>, <a href="">pg.3</a>
FC 2011 gifts: Fuzzypaws, Ryusuke573, local-shop
Post Date (GMT): 2011-02-14 00:06:02
The Nine Lives of Technicolor Pie project - page 2
Art by local-shop
Image Post Date (GMT): 2011-02-13 23:56:49
Image GUID: 2011/02/local-shop_2011_nine_lives_of_technicolor_pie_p2__ket_brask.png
That last picture seemed cool, I found Ket and Brask.
Hehe. Nice work. I like how Brask is naked. =}
wow, just... wow. This is completely random, i can't follow a thing, specially the third picture, it makes no sense!
Hahaha. The third pic might make more sense if you read the whole comic (which I linked above). But yeah, mostly just random stuff.
While the goblin is understandably threatening, that sack sure does looking inviting and musky.
I'm just a fan of goblins in general. I'm not into body hair, but it comes with the character, and it doesn't really detract.
Well, he sure looks like he want's to get rocked!
It's quite possible, or he could just be a tease. =P
No! Why do you torture me so?! D:)