gallery2 (18+) by Ket Ralus

Art by Ket Ralus

NaniMoose & Koopa Troopa, for NaniMoose (2010)



main image
Title NaniMoose & Koopa Troopa, for NaniMoose
Uploader Ket-Ralus,
Tags !A @KetRalus Koopa_Troopa Mario_(series) NaniMoose koopa moose
Locked No
Parent None
Rating Explicit




This was drawn in <a href="">NaniMoose</a>'s <em>NaniMoose Gets Lucky</em> sketchbook at FC. The initial rough sketch was done with one of my new blue Prismacolor Col-Erase pencils. Works like a charm and can be completely negated in Photoshop easily. The ink went down with my trusty Micron pens. The shading was all done with a standard mechanical pencil on the actual sketchbook. I believe this is my first time doing pencil shading in about five years. Channel mixing, flat colors, and borders were all handled in Photoshop to achieve what you see here.

I really like the NaniMoose character. He's adorable. =} <a href="">I drew him once before</a>, but it was a terrible effort. This was my chance to do a proper job. I paired him up with a Koopa Troopa: one of my subject specialties. I think it turned out well, even though I'm iffy about some of the angles. I was going to commission Nani for a sketch, but he liked my drawing enough to the point that he ended up doing the commish for free. Thanks, Nani! (You'll see this free commish sketch in the near future.)
NaniMoose & Koopa Troopa, for NaniMoose
Post Date (GMT): 2010-01-28 08:30:24
Progress History: Sketch finished on 2010-01-23.
NaniMoose & Koopa Troopa, for NaniMoose
Image Post Date (GMT): 2010-01-28 08:02:03
Image GUID: 2010/01/k7_20100128a_nanimoose_koopa_troopa_for_nanimoose.jpg
Nanimoose, what a camerahog! =p Least it's a really cute angle on that tail and the Koopa has a squid face.
Squid face! I see how it could look like that, even though it's really just his hand positioned below his eyes. Honestly, I worked on NaniMoose's pose first and just figured out a way for the Koopa Troopa to fit in later. X} But thanks for the compliment on the Koopa ass! ;}
Man, you weren't kidding, Nani moose is just adorable, what could be cuter than a silly looking moose with squared anklers? "How the heck should i know? it's cute!"
NaniMoose is one of my favorite original characters (meaning a character that isn't eligible for Rule 34), though it helps that the artist puts the character in porn quite often. Consequently, I now live near the artist, so you may see more NaniMoose this year!
Great! that's perfect! &gt;:3