<strong>Art by <a href="http://www.furaffinity.net/user/local-shop/">local-shop</a>.</strong>
These two pictures were commissioned, drawn, and delivered in the spring of last year. As part of the artist's wishes, I kept them private. However, I've now been granted permission to post these online. This makes me happy since I really like these pictures. =}
Turkish Delight is one of local-shop's character creations. When she gets together with Ket, the combined forces of perversion inevitably lead to sex. Brask even stopped by for a look and a wank, though he's more interested in the pole than the hole.
Great pictures; love everything about them. Vee, thanks for drawing 'em, and thanks for letting me show 'em off. ;}
Females don't often appear on my site, but I've never held anything against them. I simply prefer male genitals. =P However, there are a small selection of female characters I like, and this is one of them. A rarity, but a truth!
<strong>Art by <a href="http://www.furaffinity.net/user/local-shop/">local-shop</a>.</strong>
These two pictures were commissioned, drawn, and delivered in the spring of last year. As part of the artist's wishes, I kept them private. However, I've now been granted permission to post these online. This makes me happy since I really like these pictures. =}
Turkish Delight is one of local-shop's character creations. When she gets together with Ket, the combined forces of perversion inevitably lead to sex. Brask even stopped by for a look and a wank, though he's more interested in the pole than the hole.
Great pictures; love everything about them. Vee, thanks for drawing 'em, and thanks for letting me show 'em off. ;}
Post Date (GMT): 2010-12-13 09:30:36
Progress History: TD,K,B : 20090423a
TD,K,B sketch : 20090421b
TD,K : 20090421a
Image Post Date (GMT): 2010-12-13 09:12:24
Image GUID: 2010/12/local-shop_2009_turkish_delight_ket_brask.jpg
Has the holiday beverages finally gone over your head, bud? :b