gallery2 (18+) by Ket Ralus

Art by Ket Ralus

k7_20080214a_valentine_2008 (2011)



main image
Title k7_20080214a_valentine_2008
Uploader Ket-Ralus,
Tags !A @KetRalus 02 2008 Gotcha_Wrench Ket Mario_(series) Valentine tortavi
Locked No
Parent None
Rating Explicit


Artist(s): Ket✦Ralus
Repost X1:


The picture I posted a year ago was titled "<a href="">Valentine 2007</a>", and not something like "Valentine for Argon Vile". It was named in such a way that: 1. I assumed that I would be drawing another Valentine picture in the following year, and 2. I assumed that I would be drawing it for the same person. The assumptions were premature, but they ended up true. Argon and I are definitely attached. <3

I had a lot of ideas going into this picture. I had been planning this for months, and the actual work has been going on for two weeks. The end result may seem like a medley, but I liked the way it all melded together. I could go on about the unorthodox techniques and symbolic references I used, but it's all apparent in the art itself.

I don't know if I'll make another Valentine picture for next year, as I'm actually not one for holidays. Regardless, I still love my Argon, and the both of us will be cooking up some great pictures in the future to come, regardless of what day it is.

Alternate Description:
Originally posted 2008-02-14.

Drawn for :iconargonvile:.

This was the followup to Valentine 2007. I really like this picture because I had a lot of ideas go into it, both metaphorically and visually. I planned it out over the course of several months, and the actual work lasted two weeks. The end result may seem like a medley, but I liked the way it all melds together. I could go on about the unorthodox techniques and symbolic references I used, but it's all apparent in the art itself.
Valentine 2008
Post Date (GMT): 2008-02-15 05:16:02
Progress History: 2008-02-03 start
2008-02-14 finish
Materials: Photoshop CS3; tablet
Valentine 2008
Image Post Date (GMT): 2009-03-02 05:59:58
Image GUID: 2008/02/k7_20080214a_valentine_2008.jpg
Great picture as always, and I'm really glad for the two of you, I also hope there is another picture drawn of you both on valentines for years to come. ^^ I think you've both become a great couple in the furry fandom. Happy Late Valentines day btw! ~ Hope you had a great day!
Thank you for all of the kind words! Perhaps I will draw another Valentine picture next year, but I don't want to feel obligated to do one. Also, I'm going to be living with Argon starting next month, so that will change my options for what I can and can't do for him as a surprise (or as a gift in general). I think "a great couple in the furry fandom" makes us sound more relevant to the community than we really are, but it's still a sweet thing to say. ;} Thanks again!