gallery2 (18+) by Ket Ralus

Art by Ket Ralus

k7_20071111e_u_yoda_sym (2011)



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Title k7_20071111e_u_yoda_sym
Uploader Ket-Ralus,
Tags !A @KetRalus 11 2007 Star_Wars_(series) WIP Yoda symmetrical
Locked No
Parent None
Rating Explicit


Artist(s): Ket✦Ralus
<a href=""><img class="alignnone size-thumbnail wp-image-1220" src="" alt="" width="150" height="150" /><img class="additional-thumbnail alignnone size-thumbnail wp-image-1221" src="" alt="" width="150" height="150" /><img class="additional-thumbnail alignnone size-thumbnail wp-image-1222" src="" alt="" width="150" height="150" /></a><p><a href=""><span class="important">14 pictures attached.</span> Read this post for the full-size pics and more. &raquo;</a></p>


The purpose of this entry is to cleanse my in-progress works of the symmetrical abominations that I lazily produced in the past few years (mostly 2005). It was an era when drawing symmetrical pictures meant I only had half of a picture to draw. I have since vowed to never start a picture like that ever again.

Now, I've gathered the most serious offenders, made whatever improvements to them that I wanted, and posted everything here as is. There are a few of these that I plan to continue work on, and some that will end up in my main gallery (and/or scraps), but it depends on what motivation there is to do so. Unless I or one of you really want me to perform further work on a particular picture, the fuck stops here.

<a href=""><img class="alignnone size-thumbnail wp-image-1220" title="Daemon & Crazy Bob: Front Seat" src="" alt="Daemon & Crazy Bob: Front Seat" width="150" height="150" /></a>
The BSD Daemon gets a front seat on Crazy Bob, the Everafta gremlin. Started 2005-08-16. I have done some substantial work on this recently. This is still in an early stage but I really like the characters and the positioning, so I will continue to develop this picture.

<a href=""><img class="alignnone size-thumbnail wp-image-1221" title="Zool wall hold" src="" alt="Zool wall hold" width="150" height="150" /></a>
Zool in a wall hold position. Started 2005-11-21. I've posted a WIP of this one before. I've made some key improvements in the lower regions, but this one still needs more work. I want to continue work on this at a later time.

<a href=""><img class="alignnone size-thumbnail wp-image-1222" title="Toad Exposed Redux" src="" alt="Toad Exposed Redux" width="150" height="150" /></a>
A remake of <a href="">an old, shitty Toad picture I drew</a>. Started in the beginning of July, 2006. The increase in quality should be apparent. I will likely end up releasing this as a scrap in my gallery sooner or later.

<a href=""><img class="alignnone size-thumbnail wp-image-1223" title="Masa & Mune: Sword Embrace" src="" alt="Masa & Mune: Sword Embrace" width="150" height="150" /></a>
The premise of this picture is Masa and Mune are enclosed in the sword and doing whatever it is they do while they're in there. I've still got a ways to go on this picture, but I think it has some promise. Started 2005-10-18. (Note to self: Put more kissing in future pictures.)

<a href=""><img class="alignnone size-thumbnail wp-image-1224" title="Yoda symmetrical" src="" alt="Yoda symmetrical" width="150" height="150" /></a>
This one of Yoda was started on 2005-11-30 in openCanvas and drawn with a mouse, but that still doesn't explain how the lines came out so weird. I can't remember what happened either. I think this is well drawn, but I don't have any motivation to continue work on this unless someone else wants to see it finished.

<a href=""><img class="alignnone size-thumbnail wp-image-1225" title="Omi symmetrical" src="" alt="Omi symmetrical" width="150" height="150" /></a>
Omi from Xiaolin Showdown. Started 2006-07-17. I should have given him a better facial expression. The overly detailed cock was meant to offset the simplicity of the character, but it might not be a good idea. I might do more work on this, but I don't know.

<a href=""><img class="alignnone size-thumbnail wp-image-1226" title="Little Green Sprout & Pac-Man" src="" alt="Little Green Sprout & Pac-Man" width="150" height="150" /></a>
A few sketches of Little Green Sprout, and then one him with him and... Pac-Man!? I have no reasoning behind this pairing. Perhaps Pac-Man needs to eat his greens? These sketches were started near the end of 2004, but the Sprout/Pac-Man pair was almost redone from scratch (and colored) within the past week.

<a href=""><img class="alignnone size-thumbnail wp-image-1227" title="Woodman, Bubbleman, & Heatman symmetrical" src="" alt="Woodman, Bubbleman, & Heatman symmetrical" width="150" height="150" /></a>
Woodman, Bubbleman, and Heatman in a three-way. Started some time in 2005, but cleaned up substantially over the past week. I want to draw these three again in the future, but I will almost certainly use a different position. -- I consider this "finalized" because I have no plans to do further work on it. However, I have classified it with my unfinished works due to the low art quality (primarily the symmetry issue).

<a href=""><img class="alignnone size-thumbnail wp-image-1228" title="Xandra symmetrical" src="" alt="Xandra symmetrical" width="150" height="150" /></a>
Xandra from Legend of Valkyrie is a cute character, but I don't feel I did him justice in this picture (started in 2005). I didn't even give him hands. ={ It's OK. I will just draw a new picture of him later on.

<a href=""><img class="alignnone size-thumbnail wp-image-1229" title="Kool-Aid Man symmetrical" src="" alt="Kool-Aid Man symmetrical" width="150" height="150" /></a>
The infamous Kool-Aid Man. Started 2005-06-19. Don't know what to say about this one besides "OHHH YEAAAAAAHHH!!!"

<a href=""><img class="alignnone size-thumbnail wp-image-1230" title="Ninjaroid Sumoroid symmetrical" src="" alt="Ninjaroid Sumoroid symmetrical" width="150" height="150" /></a>
A nude reference drawing of a Ninjaroid Sumoroid from Musashi: Samurai Legend. Started 2005-07-04. This guy is too fat. I think I like the standard Ninjaroids better after all. Chances of future Ninjaroid porn is slim but possible.

<a href=""><img class="alignnone size-thumbnail wp-image-1231" title="Axe Knight & Monster Maker dragon symmetrical" src="" alt="Axe Knight & Monster Maker dragon symmetrical" width="150" height="150" /></a>
The axe knight and dragon from Monster Maker. Started 2005-12-07. Not happening.

<a href=""><img class="alignnone size-thumbnail wp-image-1232" title="Drawcia & Kirby symmetrical" src="" alt="Drawcia & Kirby symmetrical" width="150" height="150" /></a>
Drawcia and Kirby. Started in 2005. Yes, that is a vagina. But this picture sucks anyway.

<a href=""><img class="alignnone size-thumbnail wp-image-1233" title="Olimar symmetrical" src="" alt="Olimar symmetrical" width="150" height="150" /></a>
I never planned to release this picture of Captain Olimar due to its poor quality, but I figured I could get away with posting it in this journal entry. Started 2004-09-02.

That's all of it. Sorry I posted in the last minutes of the day, but that's how I roll.

Alternate Description:
B (public WIP):
Originally posted to 7chan /34/ because I felt bad that people were requesting Zool porn and were getting none. I decided to buckle and post my WIP. The WIP train then progressed from there.
symmetrical salvage
Post Date (GMT): 2007-11-12 06:59:07
Progress History: A: 2005-08-16 start; 2007-10-30 major revision (new head, footsie, etc.)
B: 2005-11-21 start; 2006-04-12? public WIP
C: 2006-07-02 Toad 1 start; 2006-07-03 Toad 2 start
D: 2005-10-18 start; 2005-11-05 v1; 2006-01-20 v3 (like unfinished ver.)
E: 2005-11-30 start; 2005-12-15 v(2)
F: 2006-07-17 start
G: late 2004 (Dec?) start
H~I: 2005 start
J: 2005-06-19 start
K: 2005-07-04 start
L: 2005-12-07 start
M: 2005 start
N: 2004-09-02 start
Materials: A~B , D~E: Photoshop CS2, MX510 mouse
G~H: Moleskine drawing pad, Round Stic pen, Photoshop CS2, MX510 mouse
I~L: Photoshop CS2, MX510 mouse
M: Moleskine drawing pad, Round Stic pen, Photoshop CS2, MX510 mouse
Yoda symmetrical
Image Post Date (GMT): 2009-02-25 05:26:29
Image GUID: 2007/11/k7_20071111e_u_yoda_sym.png
Cool, some pretty quality stuff here. Still, i'm happy to see you getting away from the whole very-symmetrical-frontal-view thing, i think that holds a lot of these pictures back. Coloring job is quality though, I'm guessing that's what you've been doing the past week or so and i think you nailed.
Thank you! =} The only ones I really spent time on coloring recently are the Toad and Zool pictures, but I did add a fresh coat of paint to some others as well. As for the future of these pictures, I only plan to continue work on the top six, but even that depends on motivating factors. I've posted all of this out in the open now, so there's no demand to go any further with this stuff. From now on I will do my best to stay far away from the very-symmetrical-frontal-view thing, and hopefully vary up my character layouts in general.
Being a large fan of Zool, I love that picture. XD It feels like you're drawing loads of pictures of Amiga games, Which I'm not going to say no too. I do hope you finish the BSD Daemon picture as well as the Monster Make one too. They both look amazing and I'd love to see them finished.
The funny part is that I've never even played an Amiga. I guess maybe I should! Obviously it's a hotbed for characters that twist my knob. I am totally on track to finish the Zool and Daemon pictures, so don't you worry. As for the Monster Maker one, I regret to inform you that I'm done with it. Perhaps the characters will reappear in a future picture.