Art by Redemption3445 Fate & Ket (2018) >> RELATED IMAGES: NONE Image Title Fate & Ket Uploader Ket-Ralus, August 17, 2018; 05:25 Tags !A @Redemption3445 Aleph_Goblin Fate Ket goblin tortavi Source Unknown Locked No Parent None Rating Explicit Comments Ket-RalusJanuary 1, 2000; 00:00 Artist(s): Redemption3445 Progress History: - 2018-05-24 I got both the sketch version & prelim. color version (since deleted?) - 2018-06-27 Posted on Patreon/Discord Ket-RalusJanuary 1, 2000; 00:00 FATE has a crush on Ket, and the tortavi responds with some TLC. You know I love this~ ;}
Progress History: - 2018-05-24 I got both the sketch version & prelim. color version (since deleted?)
- 2018-06-27 Posted on Patreon/Discord