gallery2 (18+) by Ket Ralus

Art by Ket Ralus

Goblin: Gimel-I (2011)



main image
Title Goblin: Gimel-I
Uploader Ket-Ralus,
Tags !A @KetRalus 05 2010 Gimel-I Gimel_Goblin WIP goblin
Locked No
Parent None
Rating Explicit


Artist(s): Ket✦Ralus


"Goblin" is the species name. "Gimel" is the subspecies name. "I" is an indicator for the body style.

I've always liked goblins and I would like to see more art featuring them. One problem is that goblins come in all shapes and sizes, but I strongly prefer certain types. My solution is to create my own designs. <del datetime="2010-08-28T10:38:29+00:00"></del><ins datetime="2010-08-28T10:38:29+00:00">I also plan to tie this in with my future story involving Ket, Brask, & Fate.</ins>

<ins datetime="2010-05-21T08:40:40+00:00">For this design, I drew a lot of inspiration from Pete Venters and <a href="">Horkka</a>, but I fleshed it all out as my own design and took liberties anywhere I wanted.</ins>

The Gimel Goblin is the ubiquitous subspecies of Goblin. Many Goblins (of any subspecies) are antagonistic; locked in a struggle against groups with which <a href="">our</a> <a href="">three</a> <a href="">saviors</a> are aligned. However, there are "allied" Goblins, uncommon as that be.

Goblins can fight with strength and agility, as typical. They can also conquer their enemies with trickery, thievery, and sexual seduction. Our three men best not let themselves be lured into a Goblin trap.

<ins datetime="2010-05-21T08:40:40+00:00">EDIT: Added some info about my inspirations.</ins>
Goblin: Gimel-I
Post Date (GMT): 2010-05-21 08:33:54
Goblin: Gimel-I
Image Post Date (GMT): 2010-05-21 08:01:42
Image GUID: 2010/05/k7_20100521a_u_goblin_gimel-i.jpg
I would also fall for some goblin trickery, although it is kinda intimating looking.
Intimidation is somewhat of an element I attempted to incorporate in the Goblin's design, so I'm actually glad you mentioned that. I draw plenty of cute-looking characters, and thus this antagonistic species needs to have a more menacing appearance.
Not to mention that at less than 3 feet tall, they're gonna need the looks to actually be intimidating :p
Hehehe. Good point!