gallery2 (18+) by Ket Ralus

Art by Ket Ralus, argon vile

k7_20080331a_u_argon_vile_impmon_gomamon (2011)



main image
Title k7_20080331a_u_argon_vile_impmon_gomamon
Uploader Ket-Ralus,
Tags !A @KetRalus @argon_vile 03 2008 Digimon Gomamon Impmon WIP imp
Locked No
Parent None
Rating Explicit


Artist(s): Ket✦Ralus


Two weeks ago I oCed with Argon Vile. He decided to draw Impmon and Gomamon. I wanted to draw those subjects as well. We did some sketches. The oC server crashed twice in the process and halted work for the night. My sketches (bottom two) were really undefined at that point, but I spent some time tonight to flesh things out. Argon took the bolder approach by starting work on a full picture the night of the oC. I didn't include it here in any form, but the positioning is most like his porn sketches on the right. He's still working on the full pic currently, but has made great progress. Hopefully it will be complete within a week or two. In the meantime, I should finish coloring a picture of my own...
Impmon & Gomamon, w/ argon vile
Post Date (GMT): 2008-03-31 08:05:00
Impmon & Gomamon
Image Post Date (GMT): 2009-03-02 06:33:53
Image GUID: 2008/03/k7_20080331a_u_argon_vile_impmon_gomamon.png
Now that's what I'm talking about. XD; See this is why I love you guys~ If only it was Impmon and V-mon though... That's the next one I'd like to see!

This is great though, I love the positions, Specially the third one down on the right and the bottom left, Goma looks so shocked XD; Great work as always guys!
Personally, I would prefer Impmon and Veemon as well. In this instance, I believe Argon chose Gomamon partially for sake of variety, since he has drawn Veemon more often in the past. Gomamon is still cute though, and based on which sketches you liked, I think you'll be pleased with the picture Argon's working on. I'm happy that Argon asked me for feedback on his picture a couple times, as it helped to make Impmon look more like he should.

I don't think I've drawn Veemon before, so that might be good practice for me. I shall not rule it out!
*gasp* I will take that as pure fact that you will be drawing V-mon next! <3