gallery2 (18+) by Ket Ralus

Art by CTH

cth_2006_hammer_bro_comic_2 (2011)



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Title cth_2006_hammer_bro_comic_2
Uploader Ket-Ralus,
Tags !A @CTH 07 2008 Hammer_Bro. Mario_(series) koopa
Locked No
Parent None
Rating Explicit


Artist(s): Ket✦Ralus


I've posted scans of art pieces from my <em>Reptiles of the Mushroom Kingdom</em> book several times before, but these ones have been publicly unseen until now. They were all drawn by Clarence T. Hare, who bought and started the book for me as a gift in Janurary of 2005. Why didn't I post them sooner? Lazy, I suppose.

<h3>1. "Reptiles of the Mushroom Kingdom intro" by Clarence T. Hare</h3>
This is the first thing you see when you open the book. I think the Boomerang Bro looks particularly badass. I wish I could see further work done on it.

<h3>2. "Yoshi sees an apple" by Clarence T. Hare</h3>
An innocent Yoshi spies a tasty snack. This is page 3 of the book (Clarence skipped a page for an unknown reason).

<h3>3. "Hammer Brothers comic: Page 1" by Clarence T. Hare</h3>
I uploaded this last year, but that version had a sub-par scan job. I have now re-scanned it and cleaned it up in Photoshop for better viewing. The left edge is still blurry, unfortunately, due to the close proximity of the book spine. Anyway, this was drawn during my visit with Clarence in February of 2006. Clarence did some excellent shading work, and you can't go wrong with Hammer Brothers. At the time it was drawn, he said this would be the start of a comic...

<h3>4. "Hammer Brothers comic: Page 2" by Clarence T. Hare</h3>
This was drawn around the same time as the previous page, but it was left unfinished. The following pages of my book now all have art on them, so the comic will likely end here.
Reptiles of the Mushroom Kingdom
Post Date (GMT): 2008-07-18 00:10:08
Hammer Brothers comic: Page 2
Image Post Date (GMT): 2008-07-17 23:39:36
Image GUID: 2008/07/cth_2006_hammer_bro_comic_2.jpg
i like ver&#39; much. clarence does some very cute hammer bros! i did not know he had it in him
Back in Jan. 2005 (due to me missing out on FC05), Clarence actually started a sketchbook for me that&#39;s entirely dedicated to characters of the Mushroom Kingdom. Unfortunately, there&#39;s barely anything in there right now since nobody beside himself has gotten around to draw in it. Also, he forgot to bring it with him to FC07. :( Currently, this is the highlight of the book right here. I&#39;d like to pick this book up from him next time I see him so I can get it filled up with some good stuff in the future.