gallery2 (18+) by Ket Ralus

Artist Unknown

troddlers_hokus_pokus_die (2011)


main image
Title troddlers_hokus_pokus_die
Uploader Ket-Ralus,
Tags !R Hokus_Pokus Troddlers_(series) animated
Locked No
Parent None
Rating Unrated


From this animation viewing the skeleton, I can estimate they have three fairly identical toes per foot. There is a fourth identical spoke pointing in towards the body, but evidence suggests it to be the leg. I cannot assume there to be a deficiency of pixel resolution to represent four toes, since in other images (e.g. >>2107 ), sprites appear to have four digits per hand, which is in fact accurate.
Upon further inspection, using the element of time, it seems the body is collapsing while the fourth spoke remains stationary. This could imply that it is indeed a fourth toe.